Fromm Vintage Crew
Up to January 2016 this was the driest growing season recorded in 80 years and the region was expecting an early start to vintage. After some rain in January, timings were virtually returned to being in line with previous years. We began picking on March 12th with the first Clayvin Vineyard Pinot Noir fruit.
It does need to be said that the crops are potentially very high in the region and, even with serious fruit thinning, most in Marlborough will harvest well above average crop levels. Bunch weights, on average, seem well over 50% on previous years, which could well be one of the reasons the potentially early vintage fell back to normality. Positively, the continued and lingering sunshine we have been experiencing of late has allowed these larger bunches to fully ripen physiologically, and the larger crop levels have enabled us (and other quality producers) to be very selective in the vineyards – picking the best and leaving the rest.
We have had two days of threatening rain, but on both these occasions we were already right up to date with regard to the varieties we could pick. In other words, with a handful of late nights we ensured we weren’t caught out by these rains and the majority of our fruit was already safely indoors. We now only have our Syrah, Malbec & Late Harvest Gewürztraminer yet to pick. They are, as we speak, basking in the Indian summer sunshine that we have been gifted, so importantly this is allowing us to pick totally on our own terms.
- Adam Balasoglou